Alsym Green for Stationary Storage

With system-level capacities similar to lithium-ion and the ability to operate at elevated temperatures, Alsym Green is the only low-cost, high-performance, non-flammable wide-duration storage option capable of replacing lithium-ion in urban areas. With high round-trip efficiency (RTE), long cycle life and low self-discharge, wide-duration Alsym Green gives you a single solution for short, medium, and long-duration energy storage (LDES) needs.

High RTE, software-configurable discharge rates

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High Performance Alsym Green

High Performance

Lithium-ion batteries provide high energy density in small footprints, but are unsuitable for most large-scale or concentrated use cases due to the risk of fires and highly toxic gases. Low-performance non-lithium technologies are available, but while safer, these have low energy densities, low power, and large physical footprints. These factors significantly reduce their viability in cities and other areas where land is expensive (assuming it’s even available), leading to significantly elevated levelized cost of storage (LCOS).

Large low-density battery installations can potentially be sited in rural areas where land costs are lower, but this requires building new transmission capability, which is also prohibitively expensive. And in some cases, grid interconnection fees can be high enough to make new storage projects fiscally prohibitive. These battery technologies are also unusable for mobility and marine use cases due to their size and bulk.

With system-level capacity up to 1.7+ MWh (DC) per 20′ container, Alsym Green offers higher energy density than other non-flammable, non-lithium options on the market today. Combined with high round-trip efficiency (RTE), long cycle life, fast response time and low self-discharge, Alsym Green is ideal for grid, microgrid and home storage applications, as well as other demanding applications such as data centers, oil and gas, mining, ports, and heavy industry.

Non-Flammable & Non-Toxic

Lithium-ion batteries are inherently flammable and can generate deadly, toxic gases such as hydrogen fluoride during thermal runaway. Battery fires can generally be controlled when it comes to EVs and two-wheelers, but large stationary storage installations are a different story. A single 20′ storage container can have 100x the capacity of an EV battery, and a single battery plant may have hundreds of containers positioned back to back.

Storage fires can take days to extinguish, require millions of gallons of water, and even lead to evacuations and shelter-in-place orders. Governments and communities are becoming reluctant to deploy lithium-ion batteries as high-profile storage fires lead to citizen protests, potentially setting back or derailing net-zero decarbonization goals.

Alsym Green is an inherently non-flammable, non-toxic, non-lithium battery chemistry. It uses a water-based electrolyte and other non-flammable materials and is incapable of entering the thermal runaway process that leads to fires. This makes it the only option truly suitable for urban areas, data centers, and hazardous environments such as chemical plants, oil and gas facilities, and steel mills.


Wide Duration Storage

Flexible Wide-Duration Energy Storage

Alsym Green is a wide-duration energy storage (WDES) solution that provides a level of flexibility and reliability that’s unmatched by current LDES solutions. It can be software-configured to fully discharge over any duration from 2 to 110 hours, and can recharge to full capacity in under 4 hours. Support for 2 to 24-hour discharge durations means you can use Alsym Green to take advantage of rate arbitrage opportunities during hour peak demand periods, as well as support intraday load shifting needs.

Alsym Green can even be used to provide continuous power for up to 5 days to address outages brought on by inclement weather or extended periods of low renewable generation. Other multi-day solutions have round-trip efficiencies below 50%, take up to 150 hours to charge, and lose 40% of that charge over 30 days. In comparison, Alsym Green can recharge to full capacity in under 4 hours and retain 92% of that charge over 30 days to ensure you’re ready for the next outage.

Applications and Use Cases

Alsym Green can be used for a range of stationary storage use cases, including utility grids, home storage, microgrids, industrial applications, and more. With system-level capacity up to 1.7+ MWh (DC) per 20' container, Alsym Green offers higher energy density than other non-flammable, non-lithium options on the market today.

Grids and Microgrids

With higher energy density than other non-lithium solutions, Alsym Green is an ideal solution for installations with high container density where fires may quickly spread from unit to unit. Alsym Green offers 2 – 110-hour software configurable wide-duration discharge, charge time under 4 hours, high round-trip efficiency and low self discharge. Systems with Alsym Green can be used for for peak shaving, load shifting, backup power (hours to days), and voltage/frequency regulation. It’s suitable for both grid-tied and DC applications, and can even replace or augment diesel backup generators in microgrid environments.

Data Centers

Data center construction is accelerating, and operators are looking for ways to ensure 24 x 7 x 365 clean power delivery. Battery storage systems help meet this need, but operators are concerned about flammable battery systems being co-located with high-value data center assets. Alsym Green be used for load shifting and rate arbitrage to help meet clean power goals, and can even replace or augment diesel generators for long-term outage support. And because Alsym Green is inherently non-flammable, it’s safe for use in and around sensitive computer hardware and other systems.

Heavy Industry

Non-flammable Alsym Green batteries are ideal for use in hazardous and high temperature environments where fire and explosion risk are not acceptable, including chemical plants, steel mills, refineries and other industrial facilities. Alsym Green be used for load shifting and rate arbitrage to help meet clean power goals, and its water-based non-lithium chemistry eliminates the risk of fires and explosions inherent to lithium-ion systems. It’s suitable for both grid-tied and DC applications, and can even replace or augment diesel backup generators for extended outages.


Hazardous environments are no place for flammable battery chemistries. With higher energy density than other non-lithium solutions, inherently non-flammable Alsym Green is an ideal solution for use around people and critical equipment. It’s ideal for use in hot climates, and physical damage will not lead to fires or explosions. Alsym Green is also a made-in-the-USA solution to help meet the challenge of changing regulatory requirements.